The deceptive illusion of neoliberal individualism tells us that we can stand alone, but this is simply not true. You can’t elevate yourself above others if there’s no one else to compare to. You can’t accumulate wealth without someone to exploit. You can’t call yourself an influencer if no one is following you. In essence, without others, you are lost.
I don’t think people understand the notion of disappearance forever. Biodiversity and protection of rainforests in relation to #COP16
Life is about taking care of life is one of my favourite slogans. I like it because embraces and captures and the meaning of life, which often is lost in this complex and dark world we live in. I would like to see this as guiding phrase for myself and everyone in fact.
A seemingly small increase in temperature of 2°C will have a major impact on your sense of comfort. We will feel lazier. Our workability will be reduced. Our level of concentration will be reduced. Sleeplessness will be more common. You might gain weight. We will become much less productive, unless we compensate by using more air conditioning, which in turn is counterproductive in regards to the effort at reducing global warming.
A major part of My Writings will be about my travel and work stories. Personal accounts of my experiences, as well as anecdotal tales from my Ph.D work (including the the curious reasons for why it was never finished). I also want to embark on my historical imaginations – perhaps in epic novel forms – which at the same time perhaps will shed some light on how deep and old our past actually is.
WAR: Just Don’t Do It. Wars have largely never been about values, ideology, or religion, but about dominance and power over control of resources. Values, ideology and religion only serve to make you and me sacrifice ourselves for wars we ourselves really have no interest in!
Don’t be fooled. Politics is about the allocation of resources—nothing else. If there were full abundance and equality, politics would disappear as irrelevant. Capitalism has a wonderful way of finding ‘durable solutions’ to manage its borders and keep permanent crises manageable, but it is utterly incapable of solving the major problems humanity is facing. I have lost almost all respect for our existing humanity because, although we know better, inequality is still rising, climate change is threatening our livelihoods globally, and indifference is incredibly widespread.
While the solutions may not be easy, they do exist, and we, as individuals, hold more power than we realize. Therefore, this blog aims to present my perspective on our world, sharing my ideas and thoughts for you to consider as you see fit.
Fitness is the condition of being physically and mentally fit with good health, and ability to carry out daily tasks with vigor and alertness, without undue fatigue, and ample energy to enjoy life! Hence, fitness encompasses more than just the ability to perform physical tasks; it embodies a state of holistic well-being, both physically and mentally. It is the foundation upon which individuals can lead vibrant, energetic lives and tackle daily challenges with vigor and resilience.
Achieving holistic health requires a balanced approach that addresses the interconnectedness of physical, mental, and social well-being.
My imagination about the past goes beyond what the field of history today thinks it knows about our past. The fascinating thing about history is that we do not know what happened in the past. It is as much fantasy as it is fact. Archaeology helps us find things that clearly existed in the past. But how it was used and was perceived in the time, we can only creatively guess.