The Lost Humanity

We are so wise, or so we think. We think we live at the apex of human civilization. Unfortunately, in my perspective, we are far from that. On the contrary. Since I was young, and actually had hope and optimism about the change for the better following the 60s and 70s youth rebellions, the hippies and the peace movements, everything has regressed sincce the beginning of the 90s back into a new dark age. Social inequality is greater than ever. We are polluting and destroying nature at a higher rate than ever before in history. The disappearane of species are not due to natural, but our man made disasters. We think we are smart, inventive, controlling and creative, while the reality is that we have not made any fundamentally new inventions or discoveries since the end of the 19th century. We live in a state of permanent, durable and controlled war, which increasingly resembles Orwell`s prophecy in 1984. Indeed, and yes you are right in observing that my regard for humanity is very low. Nevertheless, I do not want to be a pessimist. I want to believe that we do have a future worth struggling for, and that change is still possible. This is the overall theme of this part of my blog, which I call Human Affairs.

Here I will share my perspectives on humanity though four thematic categories: My basic ideas on the social principle of Do No Harm; my perspectives and comments on Politics & Society; Human Spirituality, and our History.