Eternity and the grown man

Remember how, as a child, you always lived in the present and everything was eternal. Nothing started, nothing ended. Everything was there forever. Really. Only children seem to grasp the concept of eternity and living in the moment. Modern adults forgot all that, and are busy looking for the beginning and genesis of everything, because then they think that they can control everything. They lost their sense of eternity.

It is curious. Why do we think all things have a beginning?

First, most religions, and then science, brainwashed us modern adults to think everything has a genesis. It became impossible to fathom that maybe the universe has no beginning, it was just always there, twisting, turning, and changing forever. Of course, all things seem to have a birth. But then, they are always born out of something prior to the “birth” hence matter may actually be eternal. Funeral ceremonies have an admittal to this (at least) when it is said that “from dust you are born, and to dust you shall return”.

To fathom eternity, is perhaps one of the greatest challenges to humanity today, especially as the scientific man has replaced the god of religion with himself to be the creator, controller, and predictor of everything. Maybe our world could become a nicer place if these adults turned to childhood, and became humble to the fact that Sapiens by no means are – nor will be gods. No matter how much we try through science, creation of artificial life by manipulating DNA, and artifical intelligence through computer codes, to be become gods, we will never achieve it.

I just say, good luck to humanity.