Time to turn our backs on money

Money is something that I despise. A human invention that is best undone. However, we live in a society which forces us into money dependency. Hence, money is a necessary evil. At least until it has been undone, or so plenty that it becomes obsolete for everyone.

It is only like this because we made it that way. We turned money into a religion – “In God we Trust” as it says on the American 1 Dollar bill. But money is in itself, the problem for the society we have today.

It is common knowledge that the neoliberal capitalism claim to freedom is false. Less realized is that the basic reason for this is that we do not have the free choice to live without money, because if we do – we die. We will only have freedom when society enables us to not only survive but live without money.

Money (and all similar tokens whether tangible, digital or virtual) only have value because we attribute it to them. Gold and diamonds only have value because we decide so – it is not God-given. In other words, the value we give money is just an imagination: A collective belief that money represents value. Without our blind belief in the value of money and gold, these things have not real value whatsoever.

In a society that forces people into dependency on money (it has not always been like that, we humans created money not God), you can’t do much without money. Before our current, so-called, civilization there were great societies that functioned without money, and where gold was only for religious, ceremonial and decorative practices.

Today you need money to make money. It is all up to you we are told by the successful. So, if you are not one of these smart innovative entrepreneurs with the right idea at the right time, and not one of these smart businesspeople who just know how to make money, then you are a loser. If you like me, is a useless businessperson, not interested in profit, then you are a loser. If you are not playing the money game, then you are doomed.

The money economy tries to get me down because I cannot, and will not, play along its rules. I resist, it will not get me down, no matter how poor I become. Sometimes I feel like I would rather die from hunger than become a slave to the money economy. But then I have a child and need food, shelter, safety and health. Not much, but I am even deprived of all that even at a minimum level if I do not have money.

There is a lot to say about money as the world in our present time seems to plunge towards some kind of dystopian scenario in which a high-tech elites increasingly tries to fortify themselves (see for instance Elon Musk latest idea on building a new city), and carve out enclaves, that exclude the vast grey masses with no access to the cutting edge tech, money finances etc.

So, how can we turn our backs on the money economy?

In my thinking, it will be a long process that may start with people simply stopping consuming stuff they don’t need. Then they may increasingly begin helping each other out directly without placing money in between. Gradually they may develop new exchange mechanisms based on fair work-time calculations which is not based on profit inclusion as is the case today. So simply stop using money, which of course in the short run cannot be done 100%. Starting by boycotting any multi- transnational corporations who generally exploit labor grossly and lie about how much they damage our environment is a good start. This might actually be simpler than you think but will definitely require a lifestyle change – for the better!

So, my humble view is (obviously I am a ridiculous fantast to any realist of our time):

1) The best option is to end the money economy once and for all, and then that will make us all equal in one go (remember money did not always exist in human society);

2)The second-best option is that we use the power of the money we have, to not buy from big corporations or any entity that pollutes or represents exploitation. That would have an effect far beyond what people think if most of us actually did do that.

The important thing is to not consume anything that is not strictly necessary. Awareness of your basic needs. And only buy things you truly need, and/or really makes you happy. Hence, do earn and save money, but without stress because you really do not need much to be okay and happy, and then gradually create money less communities wherever you are.

Money makes people go mad, No money makes people go sad,

We need to learn not to worry and not get stressed when there is no money.

Life is about taking of life!