WAR: Just Don’t Do It

War really is not good for anything!

“Oh please, let the fools fight and kill each other off.” Would it not be great if it was just that simple? Unfortunately, wars grossly violate the principle of do no harm, and inevitably drag other people into them no matter whether they want to be part or not. Wars also inevitably harm people who have no stake in the given conflicts as well as innocents such as children. The act of war, speculation in- and preparation for war are simply the worst kind of low-life human “monkey-business” that I can think of. It does not even deserve the label barbarism, because it is worse.

War is essentially nothing but a security business scam!

War is only interesting for people who make money out of insecurity, instability, and war. For everyone else its appalling, dumb and uncivilized. There are no good security services as all – on all sides – are embedded in self-interested strategies and all claims of representing freedom rights and democracy are nothing but self-righteous empty propaganda.

Wars have largely never been about values, ideology, or religion, but about dominance and power over control of resources. Values, ideology and religion only serve to make you and me sacrifice ourselves for wars we ourselves really have no interest in!

The most successful states in world history are the ones who most effectively managed to tax their own citizens with their acceptance, while at the same time make them belief in an ideology that prompts its male citizens to voluntarily fight their wars – even when those wars are not in the interests of the working people.

Just don’t do it

The only change paradigm for peace suggests that we can only achieve peace  – if you and me and everyone simply stops engaging in- and fighting wars- or participate in violence that is not ours. Public awareness about who wars really serve is paramount for peace, and the refusing to take part in war is a HUMAN RIGHT.

Rejection of military service is in other words a human right that is achieving close to non-attention in our current media spectrum. Russians and Ukrainians have a right to refuse to fight each other. We all have a right to refuse military service.